Facility Design Innovation (FDI), as well as Emotional Design Integration (EDI), is integral to your projects success and crucial to the continuing success of any single project or organization. Integral believes that design innovation allows a facility to demonstrate a modernized approach that not only affects the form aspect of the design, but an innovative functional design which disseminates throughout the facility and influences the overall performance of the facility. Emotional Design Integration (EDI), is a design process that influences specific areas of the facility, creating an emotional and comfortable reaction as they enter and progress through the facility.

Integral has vetted and partnered with national design firms that share interest in these innovative design goals, critical to any project. These have been refined through specialty- specific prototype designs, ultimately expediting the process with a solid starting point. Innovation is a critical source for creating company growth and over 70% of organizations that study and deploy innovation in their design, outperform their competitors.

Integral also puts emphasis on the critical importance of VALUE ENGINEERING in design and construction. This is a systematic and organized approach providing necessary alterations within the project, to lower costs. We value engineer every phase of a project which results in cost containment.

Improving business performance of a facility is paramount and Integral believes that design innovation is a major advantage that will produce competitive delineation amongst facilities. This innovative design is apparent to the staff, the payors, and most importantly, the patient.